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Save Money and Save the Environment

                    Could we all go back to using dusters,

               dishtowels and cloth rags instead of disposables?

With the prices at the grocery stores rising every week we could look at this like we are just trying to save money.  Saving money would have a domino effect and you could "Go Green" at the same time.


If you think you would like to be healthier and protect the environment, but don’t know how to incorporate money-saving and environment-saving habits into your daily life.  Sometimes this healthy life is just not realistic.  Who has time to prepare plant-based foods?  No - Bill Gates did not say we should not be eating hamburgers.  Who has time to jog (or walk) for half an hour per day?  Meditation or yoga anyone?  Right after I do the laundry, supervise the kids homework and clean up the kitchen. \


Using paper goods is a luxury – look how much that adds to your grocery bill.  Rip off a sheet of paper towel and toss it in the garbage can, barely used, when we could use a washable dish rag or a dishtowel.


Tissues are almost a necessity for colds and flu, but too often we use a tissue when a cotton handkerchief or a washcloth will do.  What happened to cotton hankies?  Nowadays people sneeze into their arm – yuck - getting a hankie out of a pocket is quicker than finding a tissue. Used tissues are unsanitary and are bad for the environment.  Paper manufacturing plants are some of the worst polluters – you can smell them before you see them. Too many trees are being cut down.


Even Toilet paper seems to have taken on a new status as an absolute necessity like air and water, but installing a hand-held bidet is cleaner and will save your plumbing and your wallet. About half the world uses water instead of paper.


Is it all just talk about protecting the environment by reducing waste?  Is it feasible to drive an electric vehicle, use less water and only use renewable goods? It is not very practical for working people with families.  No disposable diapers, no plastic dinnerware, no disposable mops, no disposable wipes, no "Swiffers" and fewer paper and plastic goods might seem impossible to some. 

 Could we all go back to using dusters, dishtowels and cloth rags instead of disposables?


How many of the items in your grocery cart are conveniences?

 A gallon of tea in a bottle – you can make your own – no plastic container to throw away.   Frozen orange juice is cheaper and the container is cardboard and metal – not plastic. Real butter instead of mixture in a plastic tub.  A bar of cheese is cheaper than single slices.  Bottled water? Really?  If you are trying to save money and not throw away plastic then fill up your own bottles with tap water.  Washing your own lettuce and vegetables is cheaper and safer than buying it cut up in a box or bag (more plastic waste).


In real life people will find it very difficult to change the habits enjoyed for several generations, but by using fewer of these convenience items you will save money and the environment.


On-line shipping is very convenient, but isn't that contributing to pollution? Think of all the trees cut down to make the boxes and packing material for goods we order, especially when the websites are so inaccurate that we often have to send things back creating more trash.  Ordering goods on-line instead of shopping at your local retailer has consequences that affects more than the environment. 


If you shop locally you may create business opportunities and jobs.  Check the prices - quite often goods are cheaper (a lot cheaper) locally than on some web site where pictures do not tell the whole story when it comes to quality, colour and size.


The Environment: Text

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